niedziela, 11 stycznia 2009

Test & other issues

To clarify all your concers: we will have the final test on Tue January, 2oth. I will take 25 minutes. I will distribute topics for the test on Jan 13th.

We will look at your presentations also on the 20th. This is the deadline for you to hand them in.
On Tue Jan 13th, we will talk whether it pays to shock in advertising. Please read points # 7 and 8 on the syllabus reading list if you have not done it already:

  1. Karl Rosenberg “Making a connection”, Journal of Advertising in: Quirk’s Marketing
    Research Review April, 2006
  2. Darren W. Dahl et al.,”Does It Pay to Shock? Reactions to Shocking and Nonshocking
    Advertising Content Among University Students”, Journal of Advertising Research, Vol.
    43, No. 3, September 2003

  3. Elinor Devlin et al., “Comparative Study of Young People’s Response to Anti-Smoking
    Messages”, International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2007

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